Monday, December 29, 2008

7 years, are you itchy yet?


Seven years of marital bliss... can you believe it? About six months ago a very well-meaning friend warned me about turbulent waters ahead as we entered our "seven-year itch." It paniced me. I am a less than stellar wife... plenty of reasons for you to get itchy. But I realized, I don't think we'll ever have the itch. The same well-meaning friend warned us about the "newlywed period" wearing off just after we got married. I can only speak for myself, but I still feel like a newlywed. My stomach still does flip-flops when I catching you looking at me from under the brim of your baseball hat. I still get unreasonably excited when I haven't seen you all day. And I still feel desperate when you leave, be it a business trip or a trip to the gym. To steal from ABBA, you're my vice and everything is you!

My Senior Prom

At your Prep-school graduation

At an Air Force football prefunk

Checking under the hood... usually that happens BEFORE you buy the goods.

If it's possible, I love you even more now than on that day!


Jacqui said...

Those red gloves at the prom are classic!

I didn't know Josh went to prep school. I thought he'd gone to school with you...

Happy Anniversery! Sounds like you've done a lot of great things in three years.

libbie said...

i love all those pictures. you guys are an amazing couple. i don't think you need to worry about the seven year itch at all!

Elizabeth said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary! I love all the pictures. I'm glad that you are still head over heels in love-that's exactly how it should be! I wish you many more wonderful years to come.

Jacqui said...

Huh, I just reread my comment and I suppose I meant to say something like, "you've done a lot of great things in 7 years." I was probably thinking about your great three kids.

I should really proof read :)