Monday, March 2, 2009

"I am quite certain there's a jertain in the curtain"



"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by themselves"

That little golden nugget comes from the opening title of tv's Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I must say I am enthralled with Star Wars. I am just as excited as the boys come Saturday morning because that means a new episode. Here's why... it is teaching amazing lessons on bravery, valor, integrity and above all else democracy! For those who don't watch I will summarize some key points, the Star Wars Republic is in the midst of a war. The Seperatists are wreaking havoc throughout the galaxy instilling fear in the Republic which is defended by the Clone troopers and the Jedi. The episodes illustrate some brilliant ideas about war and peace. My favorite idea being how fear drives people to forfeit their freedom for false security. How quickly a people can become enslaved by their perceived saviors when they are willing to give up freedom in exchange for safety. Unfortunately, in the realm of Star Wars, we know the Clone Wars do in fact end with the Republic voting for one leader Chancellor Palpatine, thereby surrendering their freedom to a very wicked and cunning man.


Here is a beautiful shot that Stephanie Kiester got of Cash. He's wearing my favorite outfit too!


D&C 88:118

"seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom"

Tonight for Family Home Evening we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday. I believe Dr. Seuss was an inspired author and I love to read his books to the boys because they truly do offer wisdom. (Though I have yet to ascertain the lesson to be learned from "There's a Wocket in my Pocket!")

Cole with his "Cat in the Hat" hat and my centerpiece display on the dinner table.

Tonight we enjoyed our favorite Dr. Seuss books, a rousing game of pin the green eggs on the ham and then a brief lesson on choosing good books. The finale of the evening was the best part... Elizabeth's chocolate cupcakes, thanks for the recipe and thank you Trent for reading it to my answering machine while I was driving. I LOVE THOSE CUPCAKES!


libbie said...

you are the BEST mom! You watch star wars with your boys! You ARE hardcore. And the Dr. Suess Party! WOW. I have got to be more like you. for reals. i don't think sending my kids upstairs to watch tv is gonna cut it anymore!!!

Jacqui said...

Holy Smokes. You are so creative. I'm usually just pleased that we have FHE, let alone having a theme.

And those were delicious cupcakes.

Jacqui said...

Oh and by the way, you do know an obscene amount of Star Wars knowledge.

Liz said...

Erika, I love your blog. I love getting a glimpse at the you I've never had a chance to get to know well. What a great mom you are! FHE is something we struggle with doing, so when I see people with a great spread, an FHE all planned out, I am so, so impressed. And I love all your little insights that you share. That parallelism between Star Wars and the present day is, well, spot on. So accurate it's chilling. I guess the cycle between good and evil is nothing new to this world.

Elizabeth said...

You put us slacker moms to shame! How creative you are-and I really need to look on the bright side of X-MEN and see the lessons being taught like you do with Clone Wars. I just don't know if Miles would care. And about the Dr. Seuss birthday-I'd hop on board for anyones birthday if it involves cupcakes.