Thursday, September 1, 2011

Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all if it hasn't been whipped with whips...

...just like poached eggs isn't poached eggs unless it's been stolen in the dead of the night." —Willy Wonka (Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory")

Who doesn't like whipped cream?
My parents' dog, Zeke, loves it.
In fact, our shared fridge can be entirely empty except for 3 cans of Costco-sized whipped cream, exclusively-used for Zeke's 10:00pm snack.

In case you didn't know, we live with my parents. Well... we live together. Last year we bought a home on 13 acres together. It has always been our dream to live on land and doing it in tandem with the folks made that dream a reality. Actually, it's still a dream. It has been amazing having their love and support 24/7. You'll have to ask them if they feel the same way.

Anyway, living together with roommates exposes you to all kinds of new experiences. In fact, the things I've witnessed my parents doing (GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER) have been weird, funny, and heart-warming. I have such a journal of odd behavior, specifically relating to my dad (AKA PAPPY), that I've decided to start a series of post entitled "PONDERING PAPPY." I'll run the series as long as there is material to run.


Don't you hate when you wake up and pour yourself a bowl of cereal only to realize you're out of milk? I usually pour my cereal back into the box and have eggs or a protein shake.

Not Pappy.
Lack of milk will not stop him from enjoying his cereal.

Yes, that's whipped cream squirted on top of his cereal. He then adds water to thin down the whipped cream.

I don't know. But you should know this is not the first time I've witnessed Pappy substituting whipped cream in a recipe. I've also seen him using whipped cream as a replacement for Miracle Whip in...wait for it...tuna salad.

Now you all might shiver and think my dad is nuts.
But you know what I think?
I think my dad is teaching me to...

Be creative. Don't knock it till you try it. Think outside the box. Don't let anything stand in your way. Improvise.

Mainly he's taught me...

...who cares what other people think?

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libbie said...

That. Is. Awesome. Pappy Rocks! I love it!

PA said...

...just sayin'.

Laena said...

I cannot wait for the rest of this series!!!! Pappy is the coolest! It's too bad the series is starting after moving into the house... since now it cannot include the bouillion binges or back massages... LOL
Seriously, I love Pappy!

Jacqui said...

Um. Gross. Really, whipped cream and tuna fish? Were you brave enough to try it is my question?

Liz said...

I love your dad. He cracks me up. I didn't know your parents live with you guys. How cool!