Saturday, February 13, 2010

My funny little...


I think it only right that the day of love should occasionally fall on the Sabbath. After all, the ultimate expression of love was our Savior's perfect example and his atoning sacrifice. I have often testified in my belief in Heavenly Father's perfect plan. We are told to love one another even as our Lord loves us. Unfortunately, I think we often view the act of expressing love as a chore; "he didn't do anything for me, why should I do something for him?" or "she knows I love her why should Valentine's Day being anything special?" When we say those things we are not only denying our loved ones the joy of feeling loved but we are denying ourselves the blessings found in expressing love. How wonderful is our Heavenly Father? He said to serve and take care of eachother, but in exchange we get to feel the warm fuzzies that spread through our heart upon seeing our loved ones so happy!

I am so grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and the chance I have to daily express my love for those around me. I hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day!!

Thank you Willette for the use of the free templates!


Jacqui said...

I love the glow in each of your children's eyes. Are those photos from your trip to seattle?

Happy Valentine's day, Friend! I love you!

Chadlee said...

Those are so cute! Great photos of our boys :)

libbie said...

I Love these little Valentines!

Amy Evans said...

Erika- It is so awesome to hear about your life and adorable family. I find it amazing that you and Melody both have three boys and I have three girls!! How does that happen?? It's so fun to read your writing.

Where do you live- on the range?? Are you in Colorado still?

I love my memories of KIA and smashing in your mom's car and toilet papering etc:)