Took the boys to Kidd Valley. You introduced us to Kidd Valley, should I be grateful? I don't know, because I regularly crave their garlic fries and "Secret Hand Shakes" and while my stomach is grateful my hips are not. Oh well! Love it anyway! Kids loved it too, they now have sweet potato fries at Kidd Valley, so they are a little healthier.
It was a fun trip but it was missing something...YOU! You really made Seattle bearable for me. I miss your warmth and sense of humor and I miss your wonderful example which drove me to be a better wife and mother. I miss sneaking hot cocoa into movies in my purse and I miss having a friend who'd stay up late to howl at the moon with me. I hope once baby #4 is born that we might plan a trip up to see you. Hope you enjoy the summer. We start the long haul back to Denver tomorrow. Have fun in Alaska.
1 comment:
Oh the needles which almost always left a mark on my bare behind! I have advanced in my profession and now it is just desert rose hip that I am bent over about. Thanks for thinking of us on your visit to Bellevue.
To do a road trip with you- now that would be fun!!! You are so creative and such a great provider to your family. It sounds like you had a great trip. We returned from our get away and treasured every moment in Alaska. I do hope that someday (soon) our adventures will cross again. Love and miss you!
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