"Me got it, me get it" -Finders keepers. Used to tease Cole.
"ench eyes" -french fries. Finn's preferred "vegetable."
"Me wuv you, you wuv me" - "Me love you, you love me." Said only to Momo when trying to manipulate her for more "nanny" or candy.
"doo doo hane" - Choo Choo train.
"I cared" - I'm scared. Used to think Finn was really empathetic, so sensitive. But really he was just scared. (Nothing scares him more than Uncle Marc...lol...so funny!)
"Me no wike gogs" - I don't like dogs. Said everytime he sees a dog.
Yes, Finn has a tattoo "sleeve." Thanks Daddy and Uncle Mo-gone (Morgan)
I am so glad that I already knew...
I feel much better knowing that "Finnish" is one of the languages I have a good grasp on :)
By the way... I think we need to put the tattoo sleeve picture and the shirtless champagne-drinking picture together. I think it will make a better statement that way...lol
Tatoo sleeve. Priceless. Definitely keep that one handy for graduation/wedding video photo montages.
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