Friday, November 21, 2008


Just got home from seeing the 10:00 am showing of "Twilight." The theatre was packed, why aren't kids in school? A lot of teens who actually cheered and clapped. Perhaps their excitement rubbed off on me. I really enjoyed the movie. I can say I rarely like books-turned-movies, the book is always better. I have to say that was not the case for "Twilight" I think the screenplay was even better than the book. Sorry to the "Twi-hard" fans. Stephenie Meyers is great and I love her creativity and imagination but I think her books become repetitive and stale. The movie had to cut for time so a lot of the repetition was removed. I found the writing to be witty (especially between Bella and her friends and Bella and her dad) and the casting was spot on. Of course Edward on screen will never be like Edward in your dreams but Robert Pattison was beautiful and I cannot wait to see him in "New Moon." I have always loved Kristin Stewart and was impressed by her ability to carry the movie.

Before you "Twi-hards" murder me remember that this is just my humble opinion.

This pic is LOL funny to me. This is my cousin Daniel (red hair) who read the book cause he wanted to know what the hype is about. He read it all over Provo like in waiting rooms and on busses. Women would come up to him and just gush about how they loved seeing a man read the book. Anyway, he took his mom and bro to the midnight showing. These are their shirts. I love his the most.


libbie said...

Good. I am glad you like it. This means for sure I will like it tomorrow night when I go see it, and it won't be a giant waste of my precious time!

Jacqui said...

Erika. I love your humble opinion :) It's always spot-on.

Chadlee said...

Oh, that's funny about your cousin reading Twilight. I have NOT read it and probably never will find time to, but may see the movie. I'm glad to hear it's good. On Thursday the girls at Activity night and some of the YW were so excited and had already bought their tickets to see it. Thanks for the review.