Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All aboard the choo choo train, all aboard the choo choo train...

...all aboard the choo choo train all aboard, all aboard- "Choo Choo Soul" Disney

But we aren't boarding a choo choo train.
We're boarding... the tickle train.

I'm not always proud of my mothering abilities. I am proud of my bedtime routine.

Brush teeth (they all share one toothbrush. It's electric. They fight over it. Don't judge, at least they are brushing their teeth).
Pajamas (Cole, puts on workout shorts but then takes them off to sleep only in underwear. Finn sleeps shirtless, even when it's freezing and Cash throws a fit because he doesn't want to change clothes again, so often times he sleeps fully clothed).
Three books (each midget picks one).
Scripture Power (song and then scripture reading).
Family prayers (Cash has said it 7 nights in a row. Why fight it?).
Mommy's one woman show (Three songs. Current playlist: "Ice inside your soul," "Alligator Song," "Hey Jude").

That's it.
Light's out.
But sometimes... they won't simmer down.
So I call everyone to board the tickle train.

The only bummer is that we are a few children short so the train cannot curve back around to reach mommy. So mommy's always the caboose.

Curse you vasectomy.
I needed two more for my tickle train.

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Laena said...

I miss the bedtime routine... extra books and extra songs from Aunt Laena... AND I could help with the ticke train. I could even play with your hair! I need to board the train :(

Erika said...

Yes, yes you do Aunt Laena. Better purchase your tickle train ticket soon or else they might just be too old for it!

Jacqui said...

Wow, you sing real show stoppers. That's pretty amazing. My kids get a rousing rendition of "On top of Spaghetti" :)

You are a good mom. When my kids don't settle down, I usually threaten to take blankets and pillows and snuggies away. No mention of tickles.

libbie said...

When we move to Colorado . . . I'm boarding the train. Except I don't want to be the caboose either!

Erika said...

You are the model mom! I am just making my boys soft!

Libbie- with you and Laena the circle will be complete. You can sit in front of Cash. He likes to wipe his nose on other people's shirts so it'll be perfect!

Laena said...

Nice! And as far as I'm concerned they will NEVER be too old!!!