Monday, September 26, 2011

Within each of us, ofttimes...

...there dwells a mighty and raging fury.- "The Incredible Hulk" title card.

Pondering Pappy Part 2:

I dont' know if this perplexing behavior is humorous or ornery.

With four adults in the house and three growing boys, we put away a lot of food.
Thank goodness for Costco and their glorious 12 cup bags of cheese and 2lb bags of carrots. I especially appreciate the resealable ziploc tops. Imagine, if you will, lifting a bag of cheese from the fridge. You grab it from where? The top by the ziploc seal right?


Chances are, there is a secret hole in the bottom of the bag.

Pappy hates resealable bags. So he rips a hole...
I like to imagine his frustration with the seal looks something like this...

Beware. If you pick up the 12-cup cheese bag from the handy ziploc top, you'll most likely end up with a shredded-cheddar carpet on the floor. Courtesy of the Incredible Hulk-like Pappy.

I love my dad.

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Jacqui said...

I too, have been known to rip a resealable bag open in a fit of frustration. But I'm the only one who is there to laugh/cry/curse when I pick it up on the wrong side and leave a mess on the floor.

Classic incredible hulk.

Erika said...

Lol Jacqui!

My dad has been known to duct tape holes he's made after he sees that a more patient individual opened the bag the proper way.

libbie said...

This is totally something Damon would do. Actually, he does do it sometimes.

Erika said...


I think it's a smart man big-brain thing. Cause my Dad and Damon are both very intelligent people!

Maybe their fingers don't have the dexterity to open the seals.