Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where liberty dwells...

...there is my country. -Benjamin Franklin

I love this country.
So much that it makes me emotional.

I know that people will always remember where they were on 9/11. Will they remember that it was an attack on innocent people NOT on a battlefield of war? Will they remember the men and women who rushed into the burning towers, willing to give their lives for their fellow man? Will they remember how united we stood after an assault on our liberties?

I worry the lessons we could have learned from such a horrendous act may have been lost on many in our great nation. I worry that liberty is fleeting, people are willing to give it up as long as their creature comforts are not forsaken. I worry so much that it makes my stomach sick and I lie awake scared for my children's futures.

It is then I remember to return to my knees. Fervent in prayer, begging my Heavenly Father to protect our nation and the people who crave liberty. I thank my God for blessing me, allowing me to grow up in this incredible country. I ask him to bless my children with the courage to stand for what they know is truth.

I hope you all have had an amazing Patriot's Day. I spent it with my family. Which is exactly what patriots have fought and died for, our families.

These are pictures from our Independence Day 2011. I've been saving them for today. People for whom I'd rush into a burning tower.

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libbie said...

Amazing. I wish I could express my feelings as good as you.

Liz said...

So awesome. I wish we lived closer to you. I have similar feelings about this amazing country we live in. We had a great Patriot's Day, too. I was so happy when our ward went right outside (after the three hour block) to the flag pole in front of our building and had a flag retirement ceremony, complete with a trumpeted Taps and a Boy Scout and Cub Scout color guard. Someone also read President Monson's Washington Post article. The whole thing was wonderful - the sort of event that makes your heart squeeze and your throat swell.

The Johnston's said...

LOVE the photos on this blog!!! You have an amazing eye, plus an amazing heart!!!! :)